Road Safety Club Sharing Agreement

Road Safety Club Sharing Agreement

This agreement contains important information that relates to the EU and UK General Data Protection Regulation, and we ask you to read it carefully.

Please note that membership of Road Safety Club does not exempt you from your personal responsibilities for ensuring that you are using a dashcam within the laws of the country in which you are driving, or from your obligations under EU & UK GDPR for any data that you wish to share or publish on a personal basis.


What is Nextbase Road Safety Club?

Road Safety Club is an exciting new initiative from Nextbase. It enables us to share video bursts with a select team of partners to improve the quality of public highways, mapping services, and / or help to improve road safety in line with our company goals.

Road Safety Club members will be an entirely voluntary group of dashcam owners who have given consent to allow Nextbase to collect videos of the highway environment via your Nextbase App. The videos club members consent for  Nextbase to take will be redacted by AI and then sent to partners who will turn the images into data to update their services and information.

If a person can be identified from a picture or video file, then it’s classed as personal data, subject to the UK GDPR. Whilst the redaction process is more than 90% accurate, it is possible that frames within a video could show faces or number plates from outside your vehicle and these would be passed to our partners. Therefore, even though we don’t want them, we have an obligation to fully inform you how personal data from outside your car will be managed.

This agreement explains how Road Safety Club works and informs you what you are giving us consent to access. By giving consent you will allow us to make automated queries to your dashcam for video files of the highways environment outside your vehicle.

No images from Road Safety Club will ever be published. The images will be converted to pure data that removes the original files.

The information you authorise to access will allow us to share video with the following types of third parties:

  • Highways agencies, for the purposes of maintenance and congestion monitoring
  • Map service providers, for the purpose of mapping updates
  • Internet data providers, for the purpose of information update accuracy
  • Safety agencies, for the purposes of accident investigation and prevention
  • Road User Groups, for the purposes of finding the lowest petrol prices.
  • Environmental agencies, for the purpose of impact assessments on greening measures

Data collection shall be;

  • strictly limited in that we will only ever ask for data in response to a request from a data partner,
  • subject to computer aided anonymisation to remove almost all faces and number plates,
  • kept for a maximum of 60 days on Nextbase servers,
  • 100% free of any audio content
  • Effort free for you
  • Easy to opt out of if ever you want to leave the Road Safety Club.


What does Nextbase Road Safety Club offer to me?

Whilst we don’t have the ability to fix the pothole in the road that you had to drive around,  trim the trees obstructing the speed sign or signpost that you missed, or update the mapping service you use with the latest road status, as the UK’s largest dashcam provider we can get your data to the companies who do.

It’s a question of numbers. The more users who sign-up to Road Safety Club, the more powerful the resource will be to improve the UK’s driving experience. As a member of the Road Safety Club this collection of data and sharing with partners who can make a change to the highway environment operates automatically  without you ever having to manually chose to send us data.

As a club member you’ll receive information that lets you know when your camera has sent any video bursts to Nextbase and, subject to agreement with data partners, information and on how that data is making a difference in the real world.

We very much hope that you’ll join, and see the benefit of the Club, but if you should decide to leave, or if you don’t think it’s for you, your dashcam will still be there to record your journey as your independent witness and you can still choose to submit clips to the MyNextbase portal as before.


Proactive Submissions

As a club member you will be offered the opportunity to submit details of issues in the highways environment that you would like to be addressed. As stated, we don’t have the ability to repair these ourselves, but we can provide the power of the collective club voice and will ensure that the issues highlighted by club members are sent to organisations who are able to influence budget allocations for repairs.


Emergencies and accidents should be reported via the emergency services on 999.

Safety critical road issues on motorways and major A-roads should always be addressed immediately to the national highways agency at or on 0300 123 5000.

Obstructions on the road in England and Wales should be reported to your local councils, in Scotland please use the traffic Scotland report line 0800 0281414, and in Northern Ireland


Why are we asking for your consent?

Your dashcam collects data about living persons, vehicles and the environment around your vehicle during the journeys you make. It’s your independent witness to events that occur on the UK’s highways.  The data you collect is written to the removable memory card in your device and is never seen by Nextbase unless you choose to share it with us in the My Nextbase portal.

Road Safety Club asks for your permission to change the relationship you have with us as an owner of your dashcam(s). We are asking you to allow Nextbase to send a query to your dashcam that requests video footage that is limited by location (GPS), data and time. This query is an automatic process that works in the background and requires no input from you. It’s all managed for you by the App .

Your agreement will give us authorisation to collect video bursts of up to 30 seconds from the front and rear facing cameras (but never the cabin camera or any audio) during the times when you are driving your vehicle with your dashcam recording.

When you agree to share data with Nextbase, we become responsible for the personal data you provide under EU and UK General Data Protection Regulation and we need to ensure that you are fully informed about what we’re collecting, why we’re collecting it, how we keep it safe, and how we destroy it at the end of the 60 days retention period.


What consent do we need?

We need your consent to give access to images on your Nextbase Dashcam on a targeted basis.

In your App you will be offered the choice of whether to enrol with Road Safety Club or not. We need the GPS and date and time stamps to be able to send a targeted data query to your dashcam and to advise data partners where and when the video footage was taken. If you’re not comfortable allowing this information to be shared, then toggle the switch to “Off”.

Without your consent for these three elements, we will not be able to collect or share your data, so you’ll not be able to join the club, but your dashcam and App will continue to collect data for your personal use.

When you give us consent, you authorise your App to act as a gateway to check whether the camera connected to it  holds any video that meets our contribution criteria (meeting partner data requests). You also consent for that data to be sent over a local Bluetooth connection to the App and on to the Nextbase Cloud for redaction. As a club member we will not know your name, or address, indeed we will not know who you are, but there will be a basic ticketing system for any data shared that can be related to the camera that it came from.


Video Footage Limitations

The scope of data that we DO want to capture and share with partners;

  • Daytime well-lit images of street furniture such as trees, bushes, walls, railings, plus roadworks, geometry, restrictions, and diversions for the purposes of improving data in partner databases and facilitating remedial action as appropriate.
  • Daytime well-lit images of buildings surrounding roads, examples could be shopfronts, petrol prices or offices displaying opening times or business names for the purposes of improving data accuracy in partner databases,
  • GPS stamps for images taken for the purposes of aiding data limitation,
  • Dates of image collection for the purposes of aiding data limitation and deletion,
  • Motion information from the camera for the purposes of indicating issues such as the formation of potholes.

Data we DO NOT want, and shall avoid;

  • Recordings of accidents that involve the host vehicle.
  • Any audio recordings from host dashcams
  • Any images from cabin cameras
  • Any sensitive data about the owner of the host vehicle
  • Images from locations other than public highways
  • Images less than 100m from the start and end of any journey, this is to limit the potential for images being taken on private roads or car parks.
  • Data which is greater than 28 days old

What we will not do 

  • No images collected will ever be published to public forums either within Nextbase or at data partners without additional consent from the data owner.
  • We will not share redacted images collected from dashcams with you or any other club members. Transfer of images will be limited to received data requests or to authorities to improve the highways environment.
  • Change the scope of Road Safety Club without informing you and asking you to reconfirm your consent.


What happens to any data shared from my dashcam and where is it kept?

If the images on your camera meet the targeted contribution criteria limitations detailed above, and only when a data partner has requested information for the area in which you were driving, then your dashcam may send us images via your MyNextbase App. These images will be sent to the Nextbase cloud database where they will be subject to redaction by AI to remove as much personal data as is technically possible.

The redaction process will be to blur any faces or vehicle registration plates in the frames that are shared, but as it cannot be guaranteed as being 100% efficient. These redacted frames will then be sent to our third-party partners who will use them to update their information. Any images that are shared with Nextbase will never be published by any persons or organisations in this relationship.


What are your obligations as a member of the club?

Whilst we can ask for your consent to share personal data, the people outside your vehicle who will actually appear in the video bursts have not given their consent. We think that it is reasonable for any person in the UK to expect that they would be captured on CCTV like systems when walking or driving along public highways. However, we want to ensure that the public are informed about Road Safety Club, so as a member of the club we need to ask that you display one of the Nextbase supplied GDPR compliant window stickers in your vehicle. This will allow any person who wants to exercise their data rights to do so by contacting Nextbase and not you.

Although dashcams are not currently recognised as CCTV systems in the UK, many other countries do consider them to be so, including the Republic of Ireland, so displaying the Nextbase GDPR compliant sticker ensures you are meeting your obligation under the EU & UK GDPR within the scope of this agreement.

You should always check local laws for the legality of use of your dashcam in the country in which you are driving. Membership of Road Safety Club does not protect you from privacy laws prohibiting the use of dashcams outside of the UK. We remind you that membership of the club does not allow you to ignore the local laws in operation regarding any data you wish to share or publish personally. You are wholly responsible for any data that you store, share and / or publish outside the scope of this agreement.


How long will my videos be kept?

Your videos will be kept for no longer than 60 days on Nextbase cloud servers.

Our data partners may take up to 90 days to complete their data extraction and video deletion process.

Video data bursts will be redacted automatically in the cloud when they are received.

All servers are secure with access limited by job role which is controlled by the Directors at Nextbase and similar appropriate authorities within data customer organisations.


What happens if I want to leave?

Immediately after you withdraw your consent to share images with us, we shall stop any communication with your camera. You will lose all access to the Road Safety Club membership pages and any information that we share with club members. You will still be able to manually share data with us via your MyNextabse App if you ever want to, but this will not be submissible to any partners.  You will still have the option to rejoin the club at any time.

Within 24 hours, any data that has been submitted by your camera and that has not been redacted at the time of the will be purged from our system using a ticketing thread based on the dash cam reference number registered via your App.

After 90 days any information that has been passed to our data partners can be guaranteed to have been processed as data, any images from your camera will be gone.

Upon completion of deletion of any data that is within the 90 days unprocessed window, you will receive notification that data has been removed. This may take a few days if ‘live’ data exists between Nextbase and our data partners.

You can exercise your data rights by downloading our Data Subjects Request Form from the link here